Importance of Logging

When thinking of building applications, many think of how the application works, how to design the system and schemas. But not much thought is put into writing logs for the application. However, logs may just be the most important thing in an application. If done right, you will not have to think much about it during development. If not done at the start, you may find yourself reading your code again or changing that ‘println’ or ‘console....

January 24, 2022 · 6 min · Pin Sern

What Are the Factors of Authentication

Introduction We always hear people or websites saying 2-factor authentication, but what factors are considered in 2-factor authentication? And what makes 2-factor authentication secure? Brief History In the past, most people accomplish authentication using usernames and passwords. This works well in the past. However, with computers getting more and more powerful, it is increasingly insufficient to use usernames and passwords as a form of authentication over the internet. Powerful computers are able to crack most human-readable passwords in minutes....

January 14, 2022 · 5 min · Pin Sern